Even after all these years, Halo seems to be Microsoft’s reigning video game franchise. Gears of War and Fable come close, but nobody beats the chief. Apparently, the company takes so much pride in the franchise that it includes an allusion to it inside every Xbox One X.

Reddit user jb69029 confirmed as such when they posted a picture of said allusion. They said they were replacing their Xbox One X’s hard drive when they came across the image.

On a corner of the Xbox One X’s internal surface lies an image of a cartoonish, miniature Master Chief riding on top of a (presumed) huge scorpion.

Some Reddit users commented on the post, with a few saying how they thought it was a poker table.

Others, like user Inspire_resistal, pointed out that the Xbox One X was originally titled “Project Scorpio.” Hence, Microsoft’s pseudo-mascot riding a scorpion is completely fitting for the console.

However, the meaning goes a step further. This image acts as a double entendre of sorts. Not only does it refer to the Xbox One X’s original title of “Project Scorpio,” but, in the Halo series, there are also tanks known as M808B Main Battle Tanks, or known widely to Halo fans as Scorpion tanks. As such, the image provides yet another clever reference to Xbox’s history and its most popular franchise.

While this detail has been known about for a while, as Reddit user dagooksta2 points out, it’s still a charming addition to the console and a wink and a nod to longtime fans who grew up with Master Chief.

Unfortunately, fans will have to wait a while for the next installment. Details are sparse on the game’s story, though it has been confirmed that Halo Infinite is a spiritual reboot for the series. The game’s release will be coinciding with Project Scarlett’s release, which is due out in 2020. This will be the first time a new console from Microsoft will have a Halo series entry launch alongside it since the original’s 2001 release. Hopefully, Halo Infinite can spark the same feeling that Halo: Combat Evolved did all those years ago.

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