Creative Assembly has announced that A Total War Saga: Troy is an Epic exclusive title, and those who download the game within the first 24 hours of its launch will keep it for free.

“Epic approached us and asked if Troy could be an Epic exclusive, as part of a commercial deal. That’s not to say that we immediately signed on the dotted line, or that money was the only reason that we did this (it’s not!). It was a difficult decision, and you can be assured that there were a lot of differing opinions in the studio, and a lot of discussions about it—which largely focussed on what it would mean for you, the players,” explained the developer in a post to its official website.

Creative Assembly stated that the deal “felt like an opportunity to really move the franchise forward by getting it in front of more people.” Additionally, Epic Games is covering the cost of the free downloads for Creative Assembly, which is how this is possible. “For Total War’s 20th birthday, that felt like an opportunity too good to pass up,” said the developer.

Regarding its exclusivity, the game will be sold through Steam once the arrangement expires. Expectedly, this will be in “summer 2021”—twelve months after the launch of the game through the Epic Games Store. 

A Total War Saga: Troy is coming to PC on August 13. Watch the trailer below.