Speaking during Activision Blizzards’ Q1 earnings call last night, CEO Michael Griffith labelled upcoming Infinity Ward sequel, Modern Warfare 2, “the must-have title of the year”.

“… we plan to release what we expect will be the must-have title of the year, Infinity Ward’s highly anticipated Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on November 10th,” said Griffith. “When the original Modern Warfare was introduced two years ago, it set a new bar for first person action games. Catalog sales for this game continue to be strong and to date, we’ve sold more than 13 million units worldwide.

“In fact, we recently launched the teaser trailer announcing the November 10th ship date, and it’s received over 5.5 million trailer views already, with over 1.3 million in the first 24 hours.”

Is Modern Warfare 2 your must-have title of 2009? Let us know in the comments section below.