Yesterday news broke out that the classic Disney games Aladdin and The Lion King are getting remastered versions soon. Both games were initially released back in the 90s and were based on the timeless Disney movies of the same name.

Both Aladdin and The Lion King will be brought to current-gen consoles and bundled as a collection by publisher Nighthawk Interactive and developer Digital Eclipse. In a press release, the publisher revealed that the nostalgic Disney platformer games will be hitting the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and the PC on October 29, 2019.

In addition, the Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King includes multiple platform releases of each game such as the Sega Genesis, Game Boy, and Super Game Boy versions. The SNES version of The Lion King will be included as well. On the other hand, a new final cut version of Aladdin will be included in the collection, together with the original 1993 tradeshow demo. All the classic titles included in the collection will be treated with upscaled graphics to support high-definition displays and customizable controls, making its transition to modern consoles easy for players.

The collection will also support other modern-day features instant save states, a rewind button that allows players to jump back 15 seconds, level-selector, and many others. The Interactive Game Viewer will also be available, allowing players to watch full playthroughs of the games. Players can also learn more about the history of these games given that an “explorable museum” filled with interviews, art gallery, and music player will be included in the collection.

All in all, the Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King aims to bring the authentic experience of these timeless games while introducing modern enhancements for both veteran and new players. The collection will be released both physically and digitally for $29.99 and is now available for pre-order on all major retailers. Although it is unexpected, the upcoming remaster of these classic titles is not all that surprising given the rise of remastered games in recent years. But still, it would be nice to experience these nostalgic games again, especially since the animated films these games were based in, were just remade into live-action movies this year.

Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King will be available on October 29, 2019, for the Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.