In a very Halloween move, a video game we once thought gone has returned from the depths. Remedy Entertainment’s Alan Wake is available again on Steam and other digital platforms after more than a year of being de-listed. It’s even on sale for the rest of the month, making this the perfect time to pick it up before it disappears again.

It was removed in May of last year, reports Niche Gamer, due to its music licenses expiring. It seems to be part of an epidemic that’s hitting a lot of older games these days, particularly those from the PS3/Xbox 360 era. The rights to songs or franchises are running out, and since few want to pay to renew rights for almost decade-old games, they end up getting pulled from digital platforms. The same thing happened to the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance games.

So when Alan Wake was pulled from digital platforms last year, many thought it would be the end. Remedy itself said this summer that Microsoft, who published the game, had no interest in a sequel. And without Microsoft’s backing, Remedy had no means to continue doing anything with the title.

That’s why it was surprising when Microsoft became the one to save Alan Wake. According to a tweet by Remedy, Microsoft negotiated for the renewal of Alan Wake’s music rights.

The game is already available on Steam, with “other digital platforms to follow.” Oddly enough, and despite Microsoft being the publisher, Alan Wake’s Xbox 360 version is still de-listed.

To celebrate the game’s return, and because it makes perfect Halloween fare, it is being discounted until November. Steam has it for $3 with the collector’s edition going for only a dollar more. That’s a nice sale, as the game would usually go for $15. If for some reason you haven’t played Alan Wake yet, you have no excuse not to. And for those who have, it might not be a bad idea to support it again, simply to show Microsoft that there is still interest in a sequel.