When it comes to growing up, one of the harshest things is realizing that your favorite characters will always remain the same age. As you get older and take on new responsibilities and experiences, your favorite fictional characters will still be causing the same shenanigans in their respective shows. However, the beauty of the Internet is that we can now get a first-hand look at what our favorite characters would look like once they grow older. We’ll be taking a look at Disney characters specifically, so get ready for a really intense wave of nostalgia from the 2000s. Thankfully, Disney puts out a lot of entertainment, so luckily, there was a rather large selection of characters to try and find aged-up versions of. Keep in mind that we’ll be talking about characters we could find visual examples for. If you feel someone is missing, maybe that’s your opportunity to show the world your aged-up interpretation of the character that didn’t make the list.

Fan fiction can really dictate what experiences fans think characters will have as they age into adulthood. Let’s now take a look at 30 of our favorite 2000s Disney characters reimagined as adults.

19 The Proud Family

The Proud Family was a show that was ahead of its time. It showcased a crazy, but lovable, family. The core of the show was focused on Penny and her interpersonal relationships with the various members of her family.

It always made a point to let the audience know that at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is family. Penny Proud was an intelligent and thoughtful girl and the aged-up version really showcases her personality from the show. She always made a point to carry a smile and she was very smart and serious at times.

Art by Isaiah Stephens

18 Boo (Monsters Inc.)

The last time the audience sees Boo in Monsters Inc., we’re all left with watery eyes and a sense of sadness for a girl who may never see “Kitty” again. However, that was until we finally saw the release of Toy Story 3 and witnessed a young girl who struck a strong resemblance to Boo.

She’s seen playing with a blue cat and says, “Boo, Boo, Boo.” Though it’s never been officially confirmed by Pixar with the upcoming release of Toy Story 4, there’s still a chance that we see her once again in some form. Here’s hoping for Pixar to green-light “Monsters Inc. 2,” a true sequel, in a few years.

17 Lilo (Lilo & Stitch)

Picturing a grown-up version of Lilo hasn’t necessarily been difficult, considering she has an older sister that works as a partial template for what Lilo might look like as she ages. Finding an older version of Lilo with Stitch isn’t too difficult, but the real problem revolves around the interpretation of an older Stitch as they tend to make him very aggressive and untamed.

Instead of Stitch remaining relatively the same size and showing signs of maturity, people instead feel the need to make him evolve into a beast. At least most of them manage to showcase Lilo as a put together, twenty-something woman trying to find her place in the world.

16 Dash, Violet, Jack-Jack (The Incredibles)

The first two Incredibles movies by Pixar have showcased what a loving, supportive, and realistic portrayal of a superhero family would look like. They’re the best Fantastic Four type of movies the world has ever seen by a large margin.

Dash, Violet, and Jack-Jack would eventually become the best superhero team, and thanks to Jack-Jack, they would be able to dispose of any threat imaginable. If Pixar decided to make a serious time-jump in Incredibles 3 and show the world what a group of older siblings could accomplish, movie theaters would run out of tickets. Here’s hoping Jack-Jack doesn’t become a supervillain.

15 Ron & Kim Stoppable

Ron Stoppable and Kim Possible are arguably one of the most iconic cartoon ships of all time. They’re probably only 2nd to the likes of Ash Ketchum and Misty from Pokémon. Like many great television show pairings, they do a great job of helping each other overcome their fears and flaws.

The fact that they’re both red-headed also does wonders for that recessive gene if they were to end up having kids down the line. Ron isn’t a hero by any means, but he’s exactly the type of person Kim needs in her life. Heroes are always at their best when they’re surrounded by people who ground them back to reality.

14 The Cast Of Recess

Gus Griswald was always one of the more frustrating characters on Recess. He was known as the new kid, which made him relatable to anyone watching the show. Everyone was familiar with meeting the new student, or possibly being that new kid.

Though Gus was mostly known for being the cowardly and naive one of the group, he showed bravery in the most surprising of situations. As an adult, his glasses and tucked-in shirt give him a rather dapper and sophisticated type of look. He definitely looks like the guy who’s way too fashionable to be working in information technology.

13 Moose (Pepper Ann)

Moose was the typical younger sibling of the main protagonist that the show wanted you to find annoying. For most people, though, Moose showcased a type of female character that was often overlooked or neglected.

She was a girl who had a deeper voice than expected and was unabashedly a tomboy, which was a great example of positive representation. As an adult, it seems that most people assume Moose would stick with a more androgynous look given her personality and overall vibe, but she looks like she’s about to star in the next Janelle Monae music video.

12 The Rest Of Pepper Ann

Milo Kamalani is a great artist and one of Pepper Ann’s best friends. Though she rarely takes his advice, Milo always makes it a point to let Pepper Ann know what he thinks about the actions she’s about to take and he always looks out for what’s in her best interest. 

Though his look doesn’t change too much in his older character, it shows a clearer side of him. For one, it showcases his ethnicity and brings more of his sage personality to the forefront. He’s an artist at heart, and that free-flowing creativity extends itself through his  colorful wardrobe.

11 Shego (Kim Possible)

Shego went on an arc where she started as a clear antagonist for Kim Possible and ultimately landed at a more anti-hero role throughout the saga. Many fans depict Shego as Kim’s secret friend and sometimes showcase them as an adult couple.

Shego loves to wear her costume, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she’ll be sporting a newer and more streamlined version as an adult. People really fell in love with Shego on Kim Possible because she became a fleshed-out character instead of the normal, brainless villains they were used to seeing in cartoons.

10 Vince (Recess)

Vince LaSalle isn’t only the most athletic of the Recess bunch, but according to the creators, he’s also the most attractive of all the boys. Considering how much heart and loyalty Vince showcased, the idea of him becoming a collegiate athlete isn’t outlandish by any means.

At one point, Vince had a crush on both Spinelli and Gretchen, but never let his feelings be known. With the smarts of Gretchen and the athleticism of Vince, you’re looking at some kids who could take over the academic and professional sports world. Talk about a real missed opportunity.

9 Mikey (Recess)

Mikey was the big, lovable, gentle giant that everyone felt sorry for when they watched Recess. He wanted nothing more than to be able to express his inner artist in any way he could. Looking back on it now, Mikey was Chris Pratt, well, more so Parks & Rec. Chris Pratt.

Following that same line of thinking, it would make sense that the overweight kid with kindness and inner poetry would transform into a healthy and fit adult. This is the easiest and most overused transformation in fiction and will soon be done once again in the upcoming sequel to 2018’s IT.

8 Ferb (Phineas And Ferb)

Ferb was always the more laid back and introverted of the two. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn’t quiet all the time due to nervousness, anxiety, or fear, but was rather just someone who preferred to say less and do more. This is often a common misconception with introverted personalities and most likely stems from an extroverted mindset.

His appearance is pretty fitting for his personality, considering he’s more of the intellectual and would probably prefer a more reserved and distinguished look. Also, it wouldn’t be surprising if he only had one kid, whereas Phineas would have four or five children with his partner.

7 Jack-Jack (The Incredibles)

As a little child, Jack-Jack’s powers were amazing and the sheer amount of abilities at his disposal would have made even the most talented superheroes jealous. As he ages, he will quickly realize just how powerful he is in relation to everyone else. This is where his strong familial structure will make the difference and help him become the greatest superhero that ever lived, as opposed to the unstoppable threat to Earth as we know it.

Jack-Jack works because he’s a kid that doesn’t know any better. Make him an adult, and you have the Richard Donner Superman issue all over again.

6 Jake Long (American Dragon)

Jake Long was one of the few representations of Asian origin in pop culture and over the years, we really haven’t seen many more portrayals. As with many kids who inherit magical abilities, Jake let his arrogance and cockiness take hold when he first started discovering his newfound skills.

As he learned more about his heritage and where his powers came from, he learned the responsibility that was placed on his shoulders. With the recent success of Crazy Rich Asians, it would be cool to see Disney try and bring back Jake Long in a major way.

5 Spinelli (Recess)

Earlier, we talked about Moose being a great representation of non-feminine girls. Well, Spinelli is always a great case of a girl not letting cultural norms dictate who she should be and what she should dress like. Spinelli and Mikey were not only opposites of one another, but of what society deemed normal for each of their gender.

The great thing about Spinelli is that she would give a fool a wedgie, then follow that up with stating how much her friends meant to her. She wasn’t afraid to talk about her love of wrestling or MMA, and when the show ended, many fans believed that T.J. and Spinelli ended up together in the end.

4 Kim Possible

Kim Possible was awesome because in many ways, she was the female James Bond to a generation of kids. The idea of covert ops and secret agents have always been cool, and Kim Possible gave children a glimpse into that genre.

In 2019, we’ll see the release of the live-action Kim Possible movie Disney made, and we could get a peek at an older Kim if the movie has an end scene time-jump, or possibly some weird flash forwards. There is a surprising absence of old Kim Possible on the internet, but I guess the idea of a middle-aged secret agent isn’t that exciting to most fans and artists.

3 Pepper Ann

Pepper Ann was the 12-year-old girl that was lacking a little confidence, was awkward, and sometimes made mistakes. She was never really poised as a role model for kids, but rather, a character they could relate to in terms of the trials and tribulations associated with reaching puberty and figuring out who they were.

Pepper Ann had the benefit of surrounding herself with great friends who always had her best interests at heart. The fan art of an older Pepper Ann definitely bears a strong resemblance to Barb from Stranger Things.

2 Phineas (Phineas And Ferb)

We already discussed how Ferb would be much more reserved and laid back than his brother as Phineas is definitely the guy who enjoys having a good time and living life to its fullest above all else. It’s easy to see that Ferb would end up being the more financially stable and wealthier of the two, whereas Phineas’ focus would probably be that of an entrepreneur or creative artist.

He’s not one for a typical 9 to 5 and would prefer to be his own boss. Maybe, the brothers could start a business together where Phineas handles the creative side, and Ferb has a lock on making them profitable.

1 T.J. (Recess)

T.J. was always presented as who you wanted to be seen as or the friend everyone wanted in an elementary or middle school. He was the cool-headed class clown that never had a care in the world and he prioritized his friends and experiences over his actual education.

Recess always made a point to show T.J. that his lack of effort or attention in the classroom didn’t make him cooler, it made him a joke. Many people like to envision T.J. as a younger version of Chris Pratt, but in reality, T.J. was always written as an elementary school schemer who shared a lot in common with Ferris Bueller.