Warframe features multiple open world tilesets filled with unique activities, resources, and vendors. The Cambion Drift is Warframe’s Infested open world, featuring unique mission types and various secrets. One such secret is Requiem Obelisks, ancient structures that can spawn rare materials under the right circumstances.

Requiem Obelisks are a fantastic source of rare Deimos materials, including mining and fishing resources. If you hated fishing or mining in the other open world tiles, you can farm Requiem Obelisks instead. This short guide will cover what these obelisks are, how to activate them, and how to complete all eight Requiem Obelisk challenges.

What Are Requiem Obelisks?

Requiem Obelisks are ancient Orokin pylons that are scattered throughout the Cambion Drift. Activating one will initiate a challenge, requiring you to defeat nearby Infested under a certain condition. Defeating the Infested while under these conditions will spawn Cambion Drift resources. Potential drops range from planetary materials to rare fishing and mining resources, allowing you to skip those respective activities entirely.

The Cambion Drift has eight Obelisk challenges in total, each denoted by a Requiem symbol above the obelisk. We cover each challenge later in the guide.

How To Activate Requiem Obelisks

All Requiem Obelisks must be activated by damaging their reactive crystal, requiring the use of an Operator’s Amp. Void damage through Warframe abilities or weapons will not trigger the obelisk. Damaging an obelisk will activate it for the next 90 seconds, periodically spawning Infested around the pylon.

Bear in mind that Requiem challenges require the use of either your Operator or Necramech. Warframe abilities and weapons may be used for the challenge, but they will not grant additional loot if it kills an Infested. We recommend building a custom Amp or a Necramech before you attempt any Requiem Obelisk challenges.

Requiem Obelisk Spawn Locations

The Cambion Drift has 13 spawn locations for the Requiem Obelisks, choosing between eight of them at random. The challenges tied to each obelisk are also randomized. We recommend using an Archwing to quickly check each spot on the map. If you don’t find any obelisks with easy challenges, you can enter the Necralisk before re-entering the Cambion Drift to reset the Requiem Obelisk spawn locations and challenges.

All Requiem Obelisk Challenges

Requiem Challenge Tips

  • Fass: Kill the enemies as soon as the pulse occurs. Some players have reported that the challenge doesn’t work until the Infested lose the confusion effect. If you’re struggling to complete this challenge, wait for the confusion effect to end. Jahu: Wait for the enemies to get pushed near the edge of the obelisk, then kill them with your Amp. AoE Amps work best. Khra: Kill the enemies as soon as they’re slowed. Consider bringing a Nidus or Khora to group the enemies together. Lohk: Use unmodded weapons or skip this challenge. Netra: Skip this challenge. It’s not worth your time. Ris: Kill the enemies as soon as they’re blinded. Bring Warframes that group enemies together. Vome: Use a Warframe or Focus school that groups enemies together. Xata: If the challenge is Netra or Lohk, skip the obelisk.

  • Some players have reported that the challenge doesn’t work until the Infested lose the confusion effect. If you’re struggling to complete this challenge, wait for the confusion effect to end.