Who holds the most dragons tends to hold the most power; Daemon knows this, Rhaenyra knows this, as well as her bannermen in House of the Dragon. Daemon recounts every available dragon, but also mentions a few “wild dragons,” which haven’t been claimed and just roam Westeros. How many are there? Where are they? Do they have names? Lucky you, here are all wild dragons in House of the Dragon.

All Wild Dragons in House of the Dragon


Out of the three wild dragons in House of the Dragon, Cannibal is the oldest and biggest and, without a doubt, the most dangerous of the bunch. He didn’t get his name from being a cuddly and kind creature, not to mention being a menacing sight with his black scales like a wild Balerion, the Black Dread.

Not only was he very hostile towards people who were foolish enough to try and claim him, he wasn’t picky about eating dragons—newborns, dead or alive, and even dragon eggs—hence, his very cute name. His last known location is somewhere on Dragonstone by Dragonmont.


If we’re talking age, Sheepstealer is the middle child, hatching some time when King Jaehaerys I Targaryen—that’s the old king from the debut episode of House of the Dragon—was still young. Like Cannibal, Sheepstealer got his name because of his fondness for sheep.

Sheepstealer usually kept to himself, only flying in to get a helping of mutton from nearby shepherds against their will. However, interestingly enough, he never bothered the shepherds, which certainly shows a level of intelligence. Sheepstealer could be mean, but only if people provoked him.

Grey Ghost

The youngest and most aloof of the three wild dragons in House of the Dragon, Grey Ghost’s name fits him like a glove. As elusive as a ghost with matching grey-white scales, Grey Ghost is rarely seen by anyone and will in fact steer clear of people in general.

To catch a glimpse of Grey Ghost, you’d have to sail the Narrow Sea where he often returns to for his favorite meal: fish! He would then return to the mists, quickly blending in, and back to his favorite spot, a smoking vent made by the nearby volcano Dragonmont.

There you have it: all wild dragons in House of the Dragon. They’ll become a hot topic during the Dance of the Dragons, considering nothing’s more powerful than a dragon other than having another. For more guides on the show, now is the time to learn who the greens are in House of the Dragon or if there will be a season 2.

Featured Image Source: HBO Max

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