With top-level games being released every week, and the recent explosion in the number of successful third-person games, most gamers have come to know what to expect. Put the player in the action with a gun in their hand, and a camera over their shoulder, and most take to it like a duck to water.

But last year’s Vanquish changed all that, by introducing some Japanese flair and adrenaline-fueled intensity to intelligently-designed combat. Luckily for 2011, Platinum Games is bringing the same attitude and spirit to their multiplayer brawler Anarchy Reigns, and these latest trailers introduce us to a few members of the game’s memorable cast.

Game design is anything but easy, and the list of last year’s successes and failures show that it’s anyone’s guess who will end up on top of the heap. With that in mind, it takes a special kind of crazy to try to bring something new to a third-person brawler.

Yet Platinum showed that there were still areas to perfect, and the delivered with Bayonetta, our choice for the best gameplay of 2010.

But with Anarchy Reigns, Platinum is coming at the problem from a whole new direction.

The characters of Anarchy look to be just as exaggerated and unique as the action, combining a western look with the sensibilities that could only come from across the Pacific. Have a look at the latest combatants that the developers are introducing.

Meet Sasha a.k.a. ‘The Ice Queen;’ a woman whose physique and blonde locks are merely a distraction from her savage and precise ice attacks:

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