DICE has released a new trailer for the impending Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam expansion, and it features one of the more prominent weapons from the Vietnam era: flamethrowers. In addition to the flamethrower, the trailer also features a tank that spouts out streams of fire. The Battlefield blog also featured some of the weapon redesigns that focus on the old iron sights and troop painted weapons like the tiger camouflaged grenade launcher.

What appears to be one of the more sizzling weapons in the new add-on, the flamethrower, is often used as a pushing tool. When a large group of enemies are encroaching in an area, a quick burst of fire will easily have them running. The trailer also shows a burst of flame ravaging enemies in a tunnel system and a series of trenches. According to EA, one of the maps will also be called Hill 137, which strangely enough features a large hill as a defending point.

Officially added to the weapon line up for Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam are the M79 grenade launcher or Blooper, NVA’s RPK, and the RPG.

In related news, the Battlefield Blog also posted a single image with the title “BFBC2 Playtest @ DICE.” The image features what appears to be Oasis from Battlefield Bad Company, and DICE is apparently working out the kinks. There is supposed to be at least one more map pack add-on for VIP owners of the game, and it would include two maps from the first game and two maps that were converted from the latest single player missions.

EA Games also announced on Friday the latest title to join the Battlefield franchise, Battlefield Play4Free. This PC only game will include Battlefield 2 levels, Battlefield Bad Company destructibility and the freemium concept from Battlefield Heroes. It also brings back the famous Battlefield theme song with a rocking new mix.

Now that DICE has added an entirely new weapon to Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam, does this add-on pique your interest? How about toasting enemies from the back of the tuk-tuk?

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam will be released this winter for $15 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: Battlefield Blog