Now that the cat is out of the bag as to who the main villain of Batman: Arkham City will be, it’s high time gamers get to see more of this game. Ever since last year’s VGA trailer, Rocksteady Studios has been pretty selective in which screens they chose to release to the public – making sure that whatever they do show gamers does not reveal any spoilers. Unfortunately, like all that gamers have seen before, these newest screens aren’t much different, but they do feature Batman throwing down with some goons so what’s not to enjoy?

In typical Batman fashion, the Dark Knight has upped his fighting style this time around to be able to take on more than one or two enemies at a time. On top of that, Batman will be using various found items during combat in order to even the playing field. There isn’t anything significant to notice beyond that, as far as the screens are concerned save for the brief teases of the world of Arkham City, which has a similar feel to the locales of the first game.

Check out Batman making good use of his fists in the screens below:

[gallery link=“file” columns=“2” exclude=58229]

One interesting thing to note, when taking into consideration Hugo Strange’s reveal as the main villain, is that Batman still seems to be fighting clown thugs. If Strange is the main villain why is he using the Joker’s goons as to fight Batman? Perhaps, as indicated by the first trailer, Joker is using Strange to exact his revenge while he suffers the effects of the toxin flowing through his veins.

As the year changes from 2010 to 2011, gamers are sure to get a better look at all Arkham City has to offer. Surprises are certain to appear, from the villains to the new features, but what has been revealed so far is pretty compelling. It might be difficult to top one of the few games to faithfully adapt a comic book, but if anyone can do it it’s Rocksteady.

What do you think of these new Arkham City screens? If Rocksteady were to put out a big reveal soon, what would you like to see unveiled?

Batman: Arkham City is scheduled for a Fall 2011 release on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

Source: Arkham City