We all know that commercials don’t have to be just a simple advertisement, but can transcend their purpose, and become works of art themselves. Bungie has shown that they’ve mastered the art form, last seen with the Halo: Reach ‘Deliver Hope’ trailer. But the ad that stands out in the minds of many is the Halo 3 commercial entitled simply ‘Believe,’ centered around a diorama of Halo figurines at war. To pay tribute, the makers of Bulletstorm have released a trailer of their own entitled ‘Last Call’ which will seem familiar at first, but quickly shows that the new shooter has a mind of its own.

Where Halo 3’s ad was part of an ad campaign designed to emphasize the emotional and story significance of Master Chief returning to earth to save humanity from the covenant, Bulletstorm’s homage is a whole different animal.

The developers have already made it clear that the game has attitude, and intend on taking the personality of Epic Games titles to new heights of irreverence and absurdity. In case there were any doubts that Bulletstorm would be just as concerned with being hilarious as visually stunning, they should now be laid to rest.

Have a look at the latest ad, but be warned: the ad features some childish violence and crude humor. So if you’re adverse to immature or childish violence and ridiculously rough content, then stay clear. If that sounds like a game you’ve been missing out on, however, then we’d strongly recommend that you pre-order the game now:

There are obviously no punches being pulled with Bulletstorm, and the developers at People Can Fly are clearly intent on giving people a game that is meant to be fun, above all else. Their Christmas spirit showed that there’s no danger of them taking the property too seriously, and this latest trailer shows that no previous game or subject is going to be off-limits.

Do you take this trailer as the joke that it is most likely meant to be, or an attack on a game that did attempt to become more than just a fun time-waster? The release window couldn’t be better, since the game looks like the perfect thing to keep friends entertained over spring break. Epic’s addition of access to the Gears of War 3’s beta only sweetens the deal, and may be enough to convince hesitant gamers to take the plunge.

We’ll see if the hype and humor is backed up by an enjoyable experience when Bulletstorm is released on February 22, 2011 for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.