In preparation for the release of Duke Nukem Forever, a new video series has begun that highlights the storied history of the blonde-haired lothario. Though the series will focus on many aspects of Duke Nukem’s development — both within the context of the game and at 3D Realms and Gearbox — this first video is centered on how Duke Nukem got his start.

Beginning first as a 2D side-scroller, Duke Nukem was initially a title where a lot of the over-the-top elements gamers have come to associate with the property were merely implied. Cutscenes did help create the character, but it wasn’t until voice over work began that the title and character really developed a personality.

After that first game, Duke became somewhat of an icon as he, and the property to which he was tied, began to evolve. That very simplistic game created by Allen Blum and Todd Repogle has, today, turned into a franchise that gamers were willing to wait some 10 years to play.

The team behind rejuvenating Duke Nukem Forever, Gearbox Software, also gets involved in the video, drawing gamers’ attention to the upcoming title’s release. While Duke Nukem has come a long way in terms of development, Gearbox promises that gamers will have a ton of fun playing as the character they know and love.

In the midst of its shortest delay to date, Duke Nukem Forever is poised to release despite backlash over one of its multiplayer modes. Despite a substantial amount of content and inventive gameplay mechanics, gamers might be less than impressed with certain aspects of Forever, but the overall experience should more than make up for that.

Thanks to this video series, gamers who might not be old enough, or just unfamiliar with the property, will get a chance to understand not only how far the Duke Nukem property has come but see how passionate those currently working on it are. Stick tuned to Game Rant for more on the history of Duke Nukem and any Duke Nukem Forever news.

Are there any gamers who remember Duke Nukem’s 2D side-scroller days? What other aspects of Duke Nukem’s history would you be interested to hear about?

Duke Nukem Forever releases June 14, 2011 on the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360.


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