Though the multiplayer shooter genre has grown predictable over the years, there are a few standout titles coming soon they are attempting to put their own spin on some classic multiplayer modes. F.E.A.R. 3, for example, is forgoing the idea of multiplayer deathmatches in favor of smaller modes that alternate between cooperative and competitive objectives.

So far we have seen three of the four multiplayer modes detailed in trailers, but today brings the fourth and final mode, ‘Soul Survivor.’ Featuring another unique spin on a popular game variant, Soul Survivor first pits one player against the entire team, but as they “corrupt” others the odds even out.

What is most unique about Soul Survivor, as compared to the other modes in F.E.A.R. 3, is how it changes the rules and team affiliations on the fly. While at the start of a match the player that is the spectre is working against the entire game population, as they begin to infect other players, two distinct groups form.

As the match progresses, team alliances will change once players have been turned into spectres, and those remaining players alive will be forced to band together in order to fight off a growing spectre force.

Essentially, Soul Survivor is like a good old-fashioned playground game only with select F.E.A.R. 3 mechanics thrown in. The experience will be constantly changing, and the moment-to-moment conflicts will be fast-paced and intense.

For an in-depth look at Soul Survivor, check out the trailer below:

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With the picture of F.E.A.R. 3’s multiplayer modes finally complete, it is now up to gamers to decide whether they bring enough new content to the table to warrant a buy or rent. While the continuing story of Alma and her two sons might grab a bit more gamers than the multiplayer, these new modes should certainly provide ample coercion.

What do you think of Soul Survivor? Which of the four multiplayer modes are you most exciting about checking out?

F.E.A.R. 3 releases June 21, 2011 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.