It’s no secret that we here at Game Rant are really looking forward to LA Noire. After all, the game’s unique setting, its amazing MotionScan facial animation tech, and the pedigree of its developer are all pretty compelling selling points. Of course, as with any multi-platform game, the question becomes, “which version to get?” That decision may have been made a little easier by the news that the PlayStation 3 edition of LA Noire will be graced with exclusive content.

So, PlayStation 3 exclusive content confirmed, but no word on what it will be. It’s only fitting for a game about detective work that the story should not end there, and indeed it doesn’t. Apparently, advertisements for LA Noire have been running on Hulu, and they end by teasing a bonus mission, The Consul’s Car Traffic Case, exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The internet being what it is, an image from that ad has popped up online.

We already know of a number of retailer specific LA Noire pre-order bonuses, so it’s not a complete surprise to learn that there is a console-specific bonus as well. Rockstar has a history of offering a wide variety of pre-order bonuses for their games, each exclusive to a different retailer. With so many different pre-order packages available, what is a gamer who wants to experience all of LA Noire to do? Buy four copies of the game? Of course, Rockstar could always make the various cases and suits that make up the pre-order bonuses available as DLC somewhere down the line. They did as much with Red Dead Redemption’s Deadly Assassin Outfit, Golden Guns Weapon Pack, and War Horse – although it took them a full year to do so.

Though the promise of bonus content certainly makes the PlayStation 3 edition of LA Noire attractive, there are other issues to consider. Specifically, Rockstar has something of a checkered past developing for the PS3. The PS3 version of Red Dead Redemption, great game though it was, was significantly inferior to its Xbox 360 counterpart. Will LA Noire suffer the same fate on PlayStation 3? And if it does, will bonus content be enough to make up for technical shortcomings? To be clear, the PS3 version of LA Noire may well end up being every bit as technically solid as the Xbox 360 version. Still, it’s worth keeping in mind.

What console will you be buying LA Noire for? Does the promise of bonus content sway your decision?

LA Noire takes to the streets May 17, 2011, for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.


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Source: Rockstar Network, Joystiq, Rockstar Games