The LEGO genre of games almost always promises a good time, and a ton of commercial properties have been “LEGOfied” for the masses’ amusement. There has been LEGO Batman, LEGO Indiana Jones, LEGO Harry Potter, LEGO Rock Band, and the series that started it all LEGO Star Wars. LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars isn’t even hitting retailers until next year and Traveller’s Tales is already hard at work on a brand new LEGO adventure – LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean.

TT Games/Traveller’s Tales and Disney Interactive are proud to announce today that Pirates of the Caribbean will be the next franchise to join the LEGO family. This announcement coincides with a new deal that LEGO and Disney have made to create new Pirates of the Caribbean LEGO sets. Finally, fans of Disney’s Pirates franchise can stop mourning the loss of Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned and start looking forward to another Pirates adventure that’s a little more cube-eccentric.

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean will feature the first three movies (Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man’s Chest, and At World’s End) as well as the upcoming Pirates movie, Pirates of the Carribean: Stranger Tides. The title will include 20 levels and players will be able to choose from 70 different characters to play as. There will of course be a co-op mode that will allow you and a friend to tear through the game’s story, and there will also be a return of Freeplay mode so that you and up to one whole friend can go back through levels you’ve beaten and plunder any booty ye may have missed.

LEGO and Pirates of the Caribbean seem to make a perfect match, but it’ll be interesting to see if TT Games decides to add anything new to this LEGO game that hasn’t already been done in the past five or so. All in all, LEGO Pirates seems to be panning out similarly to the other LEGO exploits, and although there isn’t much of a plot to be had with mute LEGO men, there should still be plenty of funny moments that make everyone chuckle.

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is set to dock at retailers in May 2011 to coincide with the new Pirates of the Caribbean: Stranger Tides movie. The game will be available on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP, and PC.

Source: Press Release