It seems like the fighting game party that is Marvel vs. Capcom 3 just won’t stop. First there was some DLC that introduced new characters, and now comes two more pieces of DLC: the previously announced Shadow Mode that expands the gameplay experience, and a costume pack that skins up a few of the title’s notable characters.

Shadow Mode has been detailed before, but for those needing a quick refresher, the mode essentially creates a virtual representation of any player that Capcom programs into the title. For this first pack players will get to take on the likes of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 producer Ryota Niitsuma, associate producer Akihito Kadowaki, and one of Capcom Japan’s best QA testers.

For the low low price of free it’s going to be hard to pass up at least one round using Shadow Mode. Sure, players may be looking to take on some more notable names from fighting game tournaments, but this is merely a test run to see how gamers respond to the mode.

The second (and pricier) of the two DLC offerings is a costume pack for the game that provides one new look each for Ryu, Iron Man, Captain America, Dante, Chris Redfield and Thor.

Much like the alternate costumes for each character in MvC 3, these downloadable costumes merely skin the character models with a different look that players have come to associate with each Marvel or Capcom fighter; Iron Man sports a patriotic skin while Thor goes very old school with his look.

At $5.00, this downloadable pack of skins isn’t going to be the must-buy that the DLC with new characters Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath was, but it should still appeal to those MvC players who obsess over the look of their characters. Who hasn’t spent hours trying to dial in every hairstyle, shirt/pants combination, and shoe type at one point or another?

Set for release tomorrow, the Shadow Mode DLC and the costume pack will be available for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, so no worries about console exclusives here. Sure to be the first of many in a long line of costume packs and shadow mode updates, if you think you’ve explored every Marvel vs. Capcom 3 nook and cranny, don’t put the game away just yet.

Are you interested in taking on Capcom’s creative team in Shadow Mode? Will you shell out the $5.00 for six new costumes?

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is out now for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: Capcom Unity