Social gaming is a genre born from the likes of Facebook and mobile gaming, bringing us titles such as We Rule, Farmville and more. Each title comes with their various hooks and themes, though their polish generally wears away and depth falls short. The most recent title of this genre is Monsterz’ Revenge, bringing some new features and gameplay, but is it enough to keep the app installed on your iOS device?

Monsterz’ Revenge is developed by Astro Ape Studios, who were also behind the games Dessert Heroes and Office Heroes. In Monsterz’ Revenge, the premise is to keep the graveyard cookout from being overrun by fast food restaurants and pesky humans by destroying the competition’s establishments - hence ‘Revenge’.

You earn the majority of your experience, coins and items in the kitchen by whipping up ghoulish delicacies. As you build up you experience, you will be able to unlock more powerful meals to make your ghost patrons happy and help you earn monster coins, energy and items more quickly. The ghosts leave coins as tip, the better the meal the better the tip as well as more ghosts to serve. Using the coins, you can unlock upgrades for your battle car to better your chances at defeating the human fast-food restaurants.

Similar to other time-based social games, Monsterz’ Revenge is a game that you pop in and out of. Some meals can take up to almost a day to prepare, so you can either start another dish or play one of the mini-games to pass the time. You can set up notifications on your device to know when the meals are prepared so you won’t have to keep checking.

One difference from games like Farmville is the addition of mini-games. Aside from battling rival restaurants, you can jump into mini-games that unlock more upgrades and benefits. Each mini-game features familiar characters from classic monster movies to keep it interesting.

Monsterz’ Revenge is definitely an upgrade in-of-itself to the social gaming genre with the inclusion of mini-games and the whimsical monster theme, however like most social games the fun wears out with your patience as the gameplay becomes repetitive. The only option to speed up the process is by breaking out your wallet to buy more coins, energy and potions. Also, the game did suffer some crashing issues although Astro Ape has been quick to send out updates labeled towards bug fixes.

If you are a fan of social games, and don’t lose your patience over time, then Monsterz’ Revenge is worth checking out since it does succeed in adding a new level into the genre with mini-games and an original theme. Better yet, the game is free in the App Store so you can give it a go without spending a dime.

Follow me on Twitter @jonlavallee and let us know what you think about Monsterz’ Revenge.