With Naruto Shippuden Nin-rittai Emake Saikyou Ninkai Kessen releasing in Japan on the Nintendo 3DS later this month, international Naruto fans now have something to rejoice about. 505 Games has announced that they will be localizing the game and it will be titled, Naruto Shippuden 3D: The New Era.

505 Games is an Italian video games publisher known for publishing titles internationally and Naruto Shippuden 3D: The New Era will be their next release. Naruto has quickly become an international anime and manga hit, mirroring the likes of Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon, and 505 Games is proud to be the publisher to bring the first Naruto 3DS game outside of Japan.

Ralph Pitt-Stanley, the Commercial Director of 505 Games had this to say about their announcement to localize Naruto Shippuden 3D:

With the localization comes exclusive content from 505 games, like the ability to redeem Sharingan codes that will unlock in-game items as well as characters by using the camera on the 3DS.

“Naruto is a franchise that inspires fierce loyalty amongst its fans, so we’re very conscious that any game featuring its characters has to be of a particular quality to keep them satisfied. We’re proud to be the first publisher to bring Naruto into the 3rdgaming dimension, and hope this forms the basis for many more to come.”

We’re happy that Naruto Shippuden 3D will be making its way outside of Japan, but it is disappointing to hear no mention of a North American release. This of course, could change in the coming months but until then, European Naruto fans will be happy to once again receive an exclusive English-localized Naruto game again (recall: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5 was released only in Europe on the PS2).

With Naruto Shippuden 3D being an original title, should the next Naruto game on the 3DS stay original or adapt recent arcs of the anime or manga?

Let us know with your thoughts and comments below!

Naruto Shippuden 3D: The New Era is scheduled to be released before the end of 2011 for the Nintendo 3DS.