To be honest, anytime somebody mentions Sam and Max, Penny Arcade, and Team Fortress in the same sentence the first thing that comes to mind is high stakes poker. At least, that’s the way TellTale Games would like to have it with the impending launch of Poker Night at the Inventory. Stars of the franchises will be joining with Strongbad to take players on in an old-fashioned game of cards. While the first glimpse was enough to gather some interest, a full trailer is now available.

Besides getting a look at how the actual poker will be played, as well as the game’s interface, it also grants a look at the unlockable items for Team Fortress 2. The characters are certainly going to be familiar, with their personalities on full display as they pull no punches in smack-talking and raising stakes.

To see what kind of experience TellTale is cooking up, or just to catch a glimpse at the unlockable items, check out the trailer:

It will be difficult to find any TF2 player who wouldn’t want to get their hands on the Heavy’s Iron Curtain, and the trailer also reveals that a dealer’s visor will be unlockable for TF2 for anyone who preorders Poker Night. At this point, Valve is able to make a profit off of anything to do with Team Fortress, so this could just be the beginning of the extra content we’ll see in the future. It’s making a lot of fans rich, so who can complain?

I’m more than willing to step up and take a seat at a poker table with these guys, and hope that this will be enough of TellTale’s sense of humor to tide me over until Back To The Future. I definitely hope both these titles will inject some intelligent comedy into games that, to be honest, would probably sell well with or without it.

You’ll have the opportunity to ante up with this rag-tag group of video game favorites when Poker Night at the Inventory is released for PC and Mac later this month.