While most of the gaming world is fully entrenched in Portal 2 at the moment (suffering from what many have dubbed the “Portal 2 flu”),  there are some journalists and gamers who have already taken the time to review the game. Portal 2 is one of the most anticipated games of the year, and according to the critics it’s one of the best, judging by reviews on Metacritic. However, looking at the user submitted scores and reviews, you’d never know the game was anything more than mediocre.

As of the time of this writing the average critical score is 95 out of 100; the average user score, for the PC version, from nearly 400 reviews is 6.2 out of 10. Many gamers are criticizing the new release, sighting four main complaints.

The first complaint is the inclusion of DLC on launch day. Portal 2 has an in game store where users can buy various cosmetic items and movements for their co-op robot. Those that are criticizing the game, and in turn its developer Valve, are stating that the inclusion of DLC on the first day is inexcusable. One user review stated:

Second, gamers are complaining that the single-player campaign is too short, only lasting four hours according to some.

“I’m disappointed valve, when you have paid DLC on day one there is a cash grab going on.”

Third, many PC gamers are complaining that the game is simply a port of the console version. They cite a message that appears when saving in-game which states, “Please don’t turn off your console.”

Finally, gamers seem to be turning on Valve for its Potato Sack ARG. Many gamers are calling the Potato Sack a gimmick that got them no closer to an early release than if they had bought the game at a midnight event at a brick & mortar store. All these things combined have resulted in low user scores for Valve’s latest AAA title.

For those gamers who bought the PC version of Portal 2, are these complaints valid? What are your thoughts on the game? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter.

Portal 2 is available now for Mac, PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3


Source: Eurogamer, Metacritic