The racing game genre has become quite saturated over the past few years. With promising new series cropping up like BLUR and Split/Second, as well as genre veterans continuing to release strong titles like the Need For Speed series’ Shift 2 and Sony’s pride and joy, Gran Turismo 5, it can be hard to make a name for yourself.

Now, one of the original arcade racing games is attempting to make a comeback and appeal to today’s gamers, but can Ridge Racer Unbounded compete with the kings of the genre?

In the past, Ridge Racer was one of the most well-known games when it came to arcade-style racing. In recent years though, the series has seemingly disappeared, aside from an announcement that a Ridge Racer game would be seeing a release on the 3DS. Most gamers have moved on from Ridge Racer, having so many other options to sate their speed-based hunger.

In February, Namco Bandai released a trailer announcing the reboot of the Ridge Racer series in the form of Ridge Racer Unbounded. While actual details were scarce, the trailer managed to excite fans, who were intrigued by the idea of the series making its return. Now, a new trailer has been released. Check it out below:

Like the trailer before it, this one does very little to excite those who were not already fans of Ridge Racer. Rather than giving any insight into the title’s gameplay, it just shows a CGI car speeding through a cityscape while also showing a woman walking around it. With so many great racing games on the market, this trailer does little to set itself apart from the pack. Nothing about it seems out of the ordinary or interesting in any way. It just screams generic. While it may excite fans, it just doesn’t seem to bring anything new to the table in a genre saturated with extremely polished games that not only manage to nail down the racing gameplay, but also innovate, moving the genre forward.

How do you feel about the idea to reboot the Ridge Racer series? While it doesn’t seem to break any boundaries, are you still excited for Ridge Racer Unbounded?

Ridge Racer Unbounded is set to race onto shelves sometime in 2012 on the PS3 and Xbox 360.


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