Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World: The Game, like the movie, was a tailor made love letter to video game fans young and old that went largely unnoticed. In an effort to increase interest in the game and to coincide with the film’s release into the rental market, Ubisoft has revealed that a small piece of DLC will be rolled out alongside a patch to address some balance issues.

For the price of $1.99 on PSN or 160 Microsoft Points gamers will receive a new playable character, Scott’s ex-girlfriend and super cool Asian hipster chick Knives Chau, and two new modes in which to deal out some old school beat-em-up action. In the free-for-all arena, players will able to go head to head with various weapons of destruction littered around the floor. The other, more interesting, mode has players take on groups of enemies in a game of playground favorite dodge ball.

Along with the DLC, a new patch will help make the game’s arguably frustrating difficulty a bit more forgiving on the easiest play mode (“Average Joe”). As well as tweaking the difficulty, the patch will add the ability to drop in and drop out of co-op, allowing for a much smoother play experience. Unfortunately for those who were hoping for an online multiplayer, it just doesn’t look like it is going to happen, as many expect this to be the only patch.

If you haven’t checked out Scott Pilgrim, I highly recommend you do. Not only is it a terrific send up of the 16-bit heyday of video games, but it also  never takes itself too seriously. It knows that games are about getting together with your friends and taking out your aggressions on some hyper realized baddies. Its steep degree of difficulty might be a turn off to many hoping for a breeze, but it really is a lot of fun. And if you haven’t checked out the movie, do that too.

Any Scott Pilgrim fans out there looking to pick up this DLC? Did you find the game as difficult as many are finding it?

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game is available now on the PSN and XBLA.

Source: Joystiq