It seems like nowadays if a publisher wants to get buzz going for one game they do so by tying in content from another. Such is the case with Killzone 3, as anyone who purchases the game in the US will have access to the SOCOM 4 beta. Also announced was the fact that any PlayStation Plus member in the UK will have beta access granted with nothing more than their Plus membership.

Inside any copy of Killzone 3 with the SOCOM 4 label upon it will be a download code for the beta. Even those who purchase the Helghast Edition of the game will be able to take part in the beta, as codes will be placed inside those versions as well.

Although it might seem strange that US gamers would have to purchase entry into a beta while European members need only to be PlayStation Plus members, perhaps this is some hint as to the popularity of either SOCOM or Killzone in the UK. With SOCOM being a title that places gamers in control of operatives of a covert Navy Seals group, it is believable to think that this type of experience might not appeal to a European gamer.

On the other hand, Killzone is a game with a much wider appeal and one that needs to sell very well in order for Sony’s marketing blitz to pay off. By including a beta for SOCOM 4, a game they might hope has a much more dedicated following, they are, in essence, trying to use the popularity of one title to generate interest in another. It’s an extremely clever move on Sony’s part, and it doesn’t negatively affect either party.

Besides this reveal, there isn’t any detail regarding how extensive the beta will be or for how long it will run, but it should be some time soon considering SOCOM 4’s recently announced release date. With the game being touted as one of the first hardcore PlayStation Move experiences, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that gamers would get a chance to check out SOCOM’s move set-up ahead of release.

One thing that will be interesting to see is how SOCOM 4’s multiplayer stacks up compared to previous versions. An experience that is much more intense than traditional respawn deathmatches, SOCOM’s multiplayer became a huge draw for a great number of gamers. As those same fans anxiously await Zipper Interactive’s return to their franchise, expect some Killzone 3 copies to be picked up in the process.

Will you be picking up Killzone 3 in order to gain access into the SOCOM 4 beta? How do you hope that Zipper has improved the SOCOM multiplayer experience?

Killzone 3 releases February 22nd in the US and the 25th in the UK on the PS3.

Source: PlayStation Blog