Update 1: Respawn Entertainment have taken down the Apex Legends servers for maintenance. They’ve also notified players not to buy or craft anything in the meantime.

Update 2: The issue has been resolved and the servers are back up. Apparently, as Respawn’s reps noted:

Update 3: Another potential bug has been identified. A recent tweet noted that the “leaving early penalty that went live with the patch today was not intended so we’ve disabled it for all platforms.”

Original: I like to kick back most days and play Apex Legends. The battle royale shooter from Respawn Entertainment and EA has most definitely got a hook in me. So much so that I was pumped to start the official launch of Season 1 and play as the new character, Octane. However, when logging in today to play, I found that all of my progress had completely disappeared after a small update. Everything from game progress to unlocks was completely wiped clean. And yes, I went completely into panic mode for a brief moment.

Pleas For Halp

Of course, me being me, I immediately took to Twitter to voice my concerns for the game. I have been pretty active when things start to get fuzzy for the game, especially if that means it’s not playable for a period of time. Not to necessarily call it out in public but to hopefully catch the attention of the PlayApex account that I have been experiencing issues with the PC portion of the game. A while back, I was seeing constant crashes with the anti-cheat software among other things. Disconnects mid-match was also something I was experiencing at random and usually on my first match of the day.

Response From The Twitters

As I saw awaiting a response from the ticket and tweets, the official Apex Legends account on Twitter did acknowledge the problem. It looks as though they are indeed aware of the progression completely disappearing from accounts and are addressing it.

We are aware and looking into the issue with accounts losing their progress after the update today. Will provide update ASAP.

— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) April 3, 2019

Hopefully, all is not lost. There are those out there that have put in far more hours than I have, including those who have purchased the season pass and/or skins.

Have you been playing Apex Legends? And if so, what are your thoughts on the official launch of Season 1 and the game so far? Let us know in the comments below!