Blizzard’s remaster of Warcraft 3 is officially live, and already fans of the franchise are scrambling to get their hands on it. Warcraft 3 is a game that helped shape and define the Real-Time Strategy (RTS) genre alongside its sister Starcraft. The game is often credited as giving birth to the MOBA genre, when the custom game DOTA spread through the player base.

Together, both Starcraft and Warcraft dominated RTS, eSports, and Warcraft eventually went on to become the fully fleshed out MMORPG World of Warcraft. What makes Warcraft 3 unique in the RTS genre is its inclusion of Hero units. The game also boasts four unique races, including Humans, Orcs, Undead, and Night Elves. Each of these races comes with their own unique campaign and their own unique play style.

Despite the controversy around Warcraft 3: Reforged, the game is still very much worth mastering if players want to have the best experience possible. Luckily for them, there are basics in this game that apply to all four races that players of Warcraft 3: Reforged should familiarize themselves with.

Choosing a Warcraft 3: Reforged Race

For many Warcraft 3: Reforged players, this will be the make or break moment of the game. A player’s race says a lot about them, and each of these races has a given play style. Humans and Orcs tend to be the easiest for beginners to play as, while Night Elf and Undead are a bit more challenging in their play style. Its entirely up to the player, as tenacity and audacity will determine the long-term success of their chosen race.

Human has low population units, meaning players can get more units before having to build more farms. This also mean that they often have lower health, but their armor can certainly make up for this. Humans also have the strongest base defenses, making them the best at “turtling” among the four races. Their casters also possess some of the best spells in the game, particularly the Priest’s Inner Fire ability, which gives a huge armor and damage bonus. Players should be sure to utilize upgrades at their blacksmith to really give their army a boost.

Orc is a race known for their extremes. The notably beefy Orcs have the highest hit points of any race, and their casters are certainly nothing to scoff at. The Shaman’s Bloodlust ability gives a huge damage and attack speed bonus, while the Witch Doctor’s Healing Ward ability can make that high hit point army all the more sturdy. The Blademaster hero has the highest DPS of any unit in the game, and is often complained about by the community for being overpowered

Undead are a race that requires a high damage, hit-and-run play style. These slaves to the Lich King have one of the best hero combos in the game with the Death Knight and Lich. Their Crypt Fiends are available at the beginning of the game, and are useful all the way to the endgame. Warcraft 3: Reforged players should be sure to utilize Obsidian Statues in the late game, as they make the fragile Undead army very difficult to kill. Their Ziggurats give supply to the army, and can also be turned into towers for defense.

The Night Elves are known for needing a strong early game army to maintain control of the map, or a quick rush to Tier 3 (Tree of Eternity) for their high DPS units. Night Elf heroes are certainly nothing to scoff at; each of them is viable in the early game and can become tremendously powerful by the endgame.

The problem comes in Tier 2, when players can purchase a second hero. Oftentimes, Night Elf players find a tavern on the map and utilize a different second hero. Hit-and-run tactics will serve Night Elf players well, as this race boasts more ranged units than any other race in the game. They can also shadow meld at night, making them invisible. Anyone interested in learning these races before entering the online multiplayer fray should consider playing a custom game against an AI opponent.

Resources & Build Orders in Warcraft 3: Reforged

Warcraft 3: Reforged has a resource system that revolves around gold and lumber. With the exception of the campaign, each game will begin in roughly the same way; players start with their race’s respective Town Center and usually five of their race’s worker units. A gold mine can carry up to a five workers at a time, and no more than that. If players want more gold, they’ll have to build a new Town Center beside a different gold mine.

Typically, players should begin by sending three of their workers to the gold mine, and two of their workers to build. It will depend on the strategy of the player, but players should build their race’s respective Altar of Heroes, which will give them a hero at no cost. With their second worker, they should build a farm (Burrow, Ziggurat, or Moon Well). Getting a hero is the first step to just about any build, as this unit will the cornerstone of just about any armor.

Of course, many people would rather play Warcraft 3: Reforged just for fun, and for them, Blizzard has implemented a variety of cheat codes.

Warcraft 3: Reforged is available now for PC.